Sunday, May 26, 2013

Holy Trinity.... and the Priest who got very nervous.

Today being Sunday, we went to Mass.   Absolutely exhausted, sleep deprived, whining, and dragging our heels we went.   I want to apologize for doing that, an hour of our week isn't too much to ask, and I should quit my complaining.

I am however that we did go.  Today was apparently Trinity Sunday.  Where the celebration of the Holy Trinity is held.   Some of you are probably asking, "what in the world is this nonsense about a Holy Trinity?"  I'll break down the concept for you, and explain more in a bit.

The Trinity is the belief that God is not one being, but is three individuals, who are in fact one individuals.  Confused?   I'll bet you are!  I used to be as well.

It was during Mass that I realized that the Priest despite his best efforts, didn't really understand it; and as such was really unable to truly explain to us what it means.   He tried, really he did.  However he kept rambling, losing his train of thought, and wasn't completing any logical thought progression with us.  I felt bad for the guy.  

I mean, his entire job is basicly this: educate and guide his flock on matters of faith, and he was unable to do that today.   Which must be embarrassing, and depressing when you can't do what you've sworn to do.

Ultimately though it got me thinking.  How do you explain the Trinity?  How can you make an argument for it that is logical, and makes any sort of sense.  I think I have it.

The Trinity is divided into three individuals.  God the Father, who created all of creation, is the supreme being, and ultimately is that which is.  Jesus Christ, who is the mortal incarnation of God the Father.  Who took a form of mortality so that the bound between man, and Godhead could become closer, more sacred.  That with the sacrifice of the flesh, a sacrifice wrought with excessive pain, one that did not need to happen.  That at any time the power was there to stop it, to not have to feel or even go through the cruelty of mankind.  Rather it was done to show show that God is willing to take the form of a man.  To feel the pain, the love, the hate, the joy, the sadness, the peace, the agony and death of his creations.  To let us expose God to the madness and cruelty we have with in us for each other.  To do this, to do this to show that God is willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to prove the love for us all.  Lastly the Holy Spirit.   The Holy Spirit is God amongst us each and every day.  The being inspires us to spread the works of his mortal form, to be filled with the grace and love of God.  To reassure us each and every moment that we are not alone.  That God is there, God is listening, and God very much cares.

One being, three aspects amongst the one being.  

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