Friday, May 17, 2013


How should we treat Atheists?   Should we force feed them religion?  Should we leave them be?  We should treat them as we would any of our brethren.  With love, compassion, and acceptance of their choice.

Really, the teachings of Christ, and the Bible itself are cut and dry on this subject.   In Genesis 2:16-17; 3:1-24 we see the first discussion of free will.  The gift to choose, for ourselves, what it is that we want.  Even if that choice is a poor one from others perspective.  It also teaches that there are consequences for our actions as well.

Christ teaches us that to be called, to be given a chance to join is a joyous occasion.  This is addressed later in Revelation 19:9   However, people still have free will.  If you give the message, and it is not accepted.  You will not suddenly create a new convert by forcing it upon them; rather you will drive them away.

There is a saying that applies here.  "You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink."   This analogy is true, and the more you try to force the horse to drink.  The more resistant the horse will become to your attempts to "help" it.   So too will the nonbeliever refuse to listen, let alone "drink the waters" never mind what benefits it will have for them.

You cannot force people to understand, accept, or believe what you believe.  Our mission as Disciples of Christ is to spread the word, to live a life that is within the message taught to us.   A life of peace, love, understanding and acceptance for all.

If they choose to ignore, let them be.  It is their choice.   Instead, show them by example the lifestyle that you have, lead by example  To do otherwise is to spit in the face of the teachings, to defy what it is all about at the very core of the faith.

That is how one should deal with Atheists.

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